Upload to
Digital Wallet
Elevate contactless payments by uploading your card to your digital wallet. Open the wallet app on your smartphone or watch and tap the option to add a new card.
Set Up Auto
Benefit from the convenience of automatically paying bills using your debit card. Visit the websites indicated on your bills to establish auto-pay arrangements.
Make Everyday
Utilize your preferred payment style by choosing to tap, swipe or insert your card into a point-of-sale reader or check out online anywhere in the world Visa is accepted.
Access ATM
Beyond cash withdrawals, your card offers the benefit of viewing your account balances at Banesco USA, AllPoint®, Money Pass® and Visa Global Network ATMs. Banesco USA ATMs provide the added convenience of transferring funds between your accounts and accepting cash and check deposits.
Spend with Higher
Transaction Limits
Use your debit card to access your funds, with a $3,000 daily ATM cash withdrawal limit and a $10,000 daily purchase limit, amounts that are above standard limits in recognition of your BanescoSelect relationship status.