Experience elevated banking for your global business. Benefit from rewards and other perks when you maintain an International Business Select Checking account.
Relationship Balance
$100,000Relationship Balance
> $100,000 to $249,999.99
Rewards > $250,000
Relationship Servicing
Dedicated Relationship Manager
Dedicated Relationship Manager
Below Balance Maintenance Fee
Banesco USA Visa Debit Card2 / ATM
Visa Debit Card Rush Replacement Fee3
Visa Debit Card Foreign Transaction Fee4
$0 (reimbursed at the end of the statement cycle)
Non-Banesco Owned ATM Fee5
$2 per transaction
$0 (reimbursed at the end of the statement cycle)
Point of Sale (POS) Daily Transaction Limit
ATM Daily Withdrawal Limit
Wire Fee6
Standard transaction fees apply
Up to $75*
Other Benefits
Zelle® Transaction Fee
First 10 transactions per month: No charge
Transactions up to $150.00: $0.50 fee per transaction
Transactions between $150.01 to $300.00: $0.65 fee per transaction
Transactions of $300.01 or more: $0.80 fee per transaction
Customized for your Relationship
Complimentary Checks
Standard fees apply
Paper Statement8
$15 per statement cycle
Paperless eStatement Fee
1How to Avoid the Fee: Maintain $100,000 combined monthly average balance. Reimbursement applied as an account credit at the end of the statement cycle.
2Debit cards are available for checking accounts.
3Replacement Card, if lost. Express Order $75 per card.
4Debit card transactions outside the United States are subject to a cross border fee of the total transaction amount.
5W/D SVC (Non Banesco owned ATMs): In addition to this fee, the other institution may charge you an additional fee that is beyond our control. Reimbursement applied as an account credit at the end of the statement cycle.
6Includes incoming and outgoing wires. Reimbursement applied as an account credit at the end of the statement cycle.
7One order of standard checks per calendar year when ordered via your BanescoSelect Relationship Manager. Available for checking accounts.
8Applicable to International accounts only.
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.
*Reimbursement applied as an account credit at the end of the statement cycle.